Welcome to the Adult Learning & Volunteer Services Department at Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio! We want you to succeed and have fun doing it. That’s why we offer amazing training opportunities for you to invest in your growth as a leader and mentor.
Through our Training Essentials, Enrichment Training and Outdoor Program classes, you will learn how to maximize the Girl Scouting experience. By participating on line or during hands-on workshops, you will increase your confidence and learn new skills.
We offer a variety of courses designed to fully support your leadership journey. Visit our Event Calendar to find these amazing courses near you. Invest in yourself…you’ll be glad you did.
Can't find the class you need? Nothing being offered in your area? Submit a Training by Request and the Adult Learning Department will do their best to schedule a class.
If you need assistance accessing any of the classes or supplemental materials, please contact customercare@gssgc.org or call 1-800-400-4475.
We know that training is critical to a successful volunteer experience, and for that reason, we are continually adding to our training portfolio. Check the event list and gsLearn, our e-learning site, regularly.
All trainings are available to all members and some are designated to be taken by volunteers serving in specific roles in the Council. Details are provided in the training descriptions.