Erik and Eva Andersen
Girl Scout
Movement-wide Challenge Planned Gift
Richard G. Aquino
Rhesa Ashbacher
Andrew Avery
Edythe Avery
Debbie Barrera
Dianne Belk & Lawrence Calder
Girl Scout Movement-wide Challenge Planned Gift
Carol Bond
Michele Branconier
Cynthia H. Breunig
Paulette Brown-Hinds
The Burdette Family
Pat and Terry Caldwell
Dr. Patricia A.S. Crowley
Lauren Denson
Linda Dominguez
Debra Donnell
Sean and Melinda Dougherty
Jeanie Eberts
Kimberly Fasching
Sally Gose
Debra Gradias
Stacey Grant
Knea Hawley
Renee Hill
Joyce Knoll
David Kobrin
Lolla Long
Kit Mac Nee
Chuck MacKinnon