Taking time to thank others is a big part of being a Girl Scout. We hope you’ll take the time to let your fellow leaders know how thankful you are for all the little things – and big – they do every day. We appreciate you and want to celebrate all the good that you’re doing. Adult Awards and Recognitions is where we do that.
Nominations typically open August 1st of each year and close December 1st of each year. These dates are subject to change at the discretion of Council and the Council Recognitions Committee.
Picture this: It's August 1st and nominations have opened up for the previous year, but you're trying to remember that encounter you had with Susie Scout at the Service Unit Meeting in October. She helped you with your troop organization, visited your troop with her older girls and even met with you to answer your numerous questions. Hard to remember all that isn't it? It's been 10 months, 2 product seasons, 20 or more troop meetings, at least 10 shopping trips for supplies and countless phone calls.
Well, we have the answer: Caught In The Act. A short 6 question survey that you can fill out immediately after the encounter. Don't worry about saving it or trying to find in next August. We've got you covered. When August rolls around, you'll receive an email from Awards reminding you of Susie Scout and some notes about the encounter.
Complete "Caught In The Act" and let us remind you so you can guarantee those long ago special moments don't get forgotten.